Monday, June 24, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Girl With Guitar by Caisey Quinn

New Adult. MA 17+ Content. After Kylie’s dad dies in a freak accident, he leaves her with nothing other than her crazy step-mother, Darla, and the ability to play guitar. When Darla kicks Kylie out and she loses her job all in the same day, she hops a bus to Nashville determined to make her late father’s dreams come true. Waitressing and saving her pennies to record a demo, her big break comes when she’s asked to join a tour going down the tubes with once platinum album-selling country music superstar Trace Corbin. But touring with Trace is hardly a dream come true since he’s pretty much drinking his career down the drain. If Kylie can’t pull Trace out of his rut, he’ll pull her and her dreams down with him.

4 Star Review

Kylie Lou Ryans has decided to leave her hometown of Pride, Oklahoma and follow her dreams. Her stepmother Darla, threw her out of her own house after she accused Kylie of having sex with Darla’s latest boyfriend. Her dad died from an accident at work and Kylie has no reason to stay. With her savings (the money she was going to use to buy her dad a headstone) in hand she settles in a hotel in Nashville. A couple of weeks in she still has no job and no prospects. Due to being in the right place at the right time she ends up with a job at the Rum Room. She becomes friends with another waitress Tonya and gets up the nerve to sing for an open mic Rum Room Amateur Night. She does a cover of one of Trace Corbin’s songs and is a hit. The man himself (once one of the hottest country singers around) was supposed to play there several weeks ago, but in typical Trace fashion he was a no show. So what kind of luck does Kylie have that the next singer up is Trace himself? He asks her to sing with him and they banter back and forth.  

This is the beginning of some lucky breaks that come her way. She is offered a spot on his comeback tour (his drinking and whoring have resulted in poor ticket sales and this is his shot at redemption). After a rough start, Kylie pulls no punches with Trace, if he wants to continue to screw up his life, go ahead, but he won’t be dragging Kylie’s career down with him.  

“But you, with your flashy bus and your tight ass jeans, you show up whenever you feel like it. Or not. Like there aren’t a million people out there who would step over their own mothers to be in your shoes.”

The two find that sparks are flying everywhere between them. Trace doesn’t do relationships, and Kylie is no one night stand. Their aggression covers up their desire for each other.

“You gotta stop calling me that. It’s Trace. Or my friends call me Tray.” “Trace it is then,” she clipped as she headed back to retrieve her guitar.

In spite of their different philosophies, these two finally give in to their feelings. When Kylie’s past catches up with her-who will Trace believe? 

I enjoyed this book. Quinn has written a story that flows along nicely, with some delicious angst and heartache. It also has some heartwarmingly sweet moments and some of the best book lyrics I’ve read. Their journey continues with a sequel, and I am looking forward to it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. The book sounds awesome! Adding it to my "to-read" list.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)


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