Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Breaking by Claire Kent

He spent years selling his body, having sex with women for money. He could please them better than anyone else.

Now he has only one woman to please.

He knows what to do with her body. He wants her, needs her, takes her--until she can't take any more.

But what they have is so much more than bodies moving together. He loves her, loves her, loves her.

He still doesn't always know how.

Breaking is an erotic novella (21,000 words) that can be read as a standalone, although it features characters from Escorted

4 Star Review by Jen Hagen

I love Ander.  He captivated me in Escorted and now with Breaking he pulls me into loving him even more because we get to hear his point of view.

Ander and Claire have now been together 3 years.  He has gone back to school and is busy with research and has just returned from a 6-week archeological dig.  Claire continues to write romance novels.

Ander returns from his archeological dig a different person.  Claire senses it and whenever she asks Ander what’s wrong, he denies that anything is wrong.  His way to divert her questioning is with hot sex…and I mean HOT.  The sex scenes certainly do not disappoint in this quick read.   However hot the sex is, Lori feels that they are becoming disconnected and that Ander is reverting to his old ways/former career of using sex only to please the woman.

“I don’t need another orgasm, Ander. I need you. I need you back with me again.”

Ander can’t bring himself to open up to Lori.  The past is haunting him and he can’t let go of it.  He’s letting his past eat away at his and Lori’s relationship.

“He wanted to tell her. He desperately wanted to tell her, but he didn’t want to be that man, the man he would be if he let down his defenses, if he let himself break more than he was already broken.”

Ander desperately needs to face the past and the pain that caused him to choose his former career of a male escort.  He can’t hold it in forever and the longer he holds it in, the more Lori knows that something is wrong and her insecurities come forward. 

Don’t forget Ander’s signature line…

“Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you.”   

Fall in love with Ander again with this quick read.

Barnes and Noble

Barnes and Noble Escorted

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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